Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Nite Call

Hei there, how's ur day? Mine? Colourfull ;)
it is 12:35am quite late, honestly I feel sleepy but I want to write smthing bfore I sleep.. I hvnt finish my nutrisari anyway, I'm addicted with it :)

I got a call from my very best friend, her name is Acid, she's broken heart again! *u always broken heart baby, ahahhahaa*
Tonite she told me about her day at her campus, in Unpar, Bandung.. But we met at Semarang when we were in High School,,
I'll tell u about our relationship, we're so close to each other,, I tell all my story to her and so did her.. She knows everything, if u wanna know about my biggest secret just ask her, and I'll kill her then.. Ahahahaha..
Maybe u curious, what is she looks like? Moreless like Ayushita!! Ahhhaa really, from BBB and she'll mad when smone call her Ayushita..hehhe, yes indeed! "Acidshita" ahhahahaa..

She asked me bout today, I wasn't told her about my lovey dovey day.. She's gonna throw up! Ahahha,, she hates my relationship with that one.. Ahahhahahaha, never mind!
And I told her bout internship stuff, and I have to find lots of money and she said "woow, ure the tough one"
yeah, I have to get more than 12 million rupiahs, *sigh* it only for the ticket,,
But then she yelled toward me "I've just spend 13 million rupiahs for sawteeth (kawat gigi), oh my god!I'm so lucky"
Yes, u are moron! Ahahahaa..

That's why I love her, we did stupid things together, we laugh, we fight and we cry..

I'm feeling like, she fullfilled me and me either.. And I miss her again, but now she'S on the phone with her boyfriend, not exactly her boyfriend bcos she'S single.. But she has lots of "boyfriends",, ahahaha.. Poor her, she stuck on smone.. Hiiihiii..

Goodnite Acid, goodnite parents, goodnite peeps, goodnite boys, and goodnite stranger.. *dont worry, I won't make my blog private like others..


Monday, September 28, 2009


holaa amigos,,
happy birthday dulu iihhh buat Oji, happy birthday yah darlooo.. We ♥ Tazri !!
Udah disiram2 ama aer cabe!! Mmuuuuhhahahahahaha, itulah akibatnya orang yang doyan banget ngisengin orang lain.. Wooo!!

Anyway, I'm so grumpy, agaaiiinnnn! Dan disogok ama jagung keju.. Uuuhh, tau aja deh mau gw apaan?? Tp tetep aja masih marah! Ngajak baikan kok gak niat! Huuu!! Pokoknya tetep sebel sebel sebeeeeellllll...

My biggest dream ever is visiting France.. Yes, I'm dying with that place, I love France but if smone ask me why I love France? And I'll ask u back, why everyone doesn't love France? Ehehhe..
I learned the language, the culture, the food, everything.. But, I don't know how to get there! Blaahh!
I'm going to join the internship, but there'S no chance to get there.. The option only for Ukraine and Poland, maybe I'll choose Poland,, once u get in Poland, its not easy if u want to go to France..
Its only a dream, and I wish my dream will come true.. And some day I'll meet the Eiffel.. *Aminn

#anyhow, I closed my twitter for a while, don't know.. Its getting sucks! I'll try another one :)


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Happy Lebaran all :)

Happy Lebaran all, maaf lahir batin.. I did many faults to many peeps and I regret it.. Sorry then..

Its almost the end of my holiday, not the real holiday for me, but if I can sleep much longer than usual, means holiday for me.. *apa coba??

I spent whole day at Prambors 5 hours for working and next 5 hours accompanying Radit.. -.- sleepy? Yes ofcourse, but then for the very first time I watched "Twilight" ahahaha.. I know, its too late, better its late than never!! Ahahaha..

We made a plan, after graduate we'll go to Bali!! And we'll stay there forever!! Ahahahaa.. *beautifull.. :p but, many things to do before that.. don't u worry guys, we're trying!! Yeaahh, wish us luck..

Today and yesterday there was smtng wrong with my bb , I don't know why? But its getting better just now.. And what I figured out after I got it back? I saw a thing that made me hurt again, its not a big deal actually, but I made it BIGGER than ever!
I wish I cud trust what he said about them.. He said " gw ama dia gak ada apa2, dan gw gak akan bawa hubungan gw ama dia kemana2 apalg lbh jauh!! "

Yeaahh, I know I should trust u, but I don't know how to trust u? He's trying but I'm not helping!! Aaahhh!! I hate my childish part..
anyway, last couples of week, we spent the whole weekend together, just the 2 of us.. And he said sorry for what he has done toward me, well thanks then..

I promise my self to try to being more mature, wish me luck yah everybody.. And wish me to get a better job, I love my job rite now, but everyone has their own dream rite? So, I wish my dream come true..

Have a nice holiday peeps, I know its almost over, but try to hv fun with it..


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Chrisette Michele feat Neyo - What You Do

Hey Hey

Verse 1

Say it with your actions (actions)
Saying those words to me
Doesn't mean anything

Hey Hey Hey

I don't want to hear um (hear um)
Baby you can keep those three
You might as well not even speak


Many different times before
You were almost out the door
And you'd say it and I'd forgive everything

Well I'm sorry to report
That ain't working anymore
Now I need to see if that's really what you mean


No more I'm sorry (no more)
I love you (baby)
If it's true
Baby boy it's all in what you do

(No more) I love you
(Baby) If it's true
Baby boy it's all in what you do

Verse 2

Say it with your actions (actions)
Say it in the way you touch (you touch)
And the things that you do for us (things that you do for us)

Hey Hey Hey

I don't want to be mean (be mean)
But when it comes to this love (this love)
Saying it just ain't enough


Many different times before (oooh)
You were almost out the door (oooh)
And you'd say it and I'd forgive everything

Well I'm sorry to report (oooh)
That ain't working anymore (oooh)
Now I need to see if that's really what you mean


No more I'm sorry (no more)
I love you (baby)
I need proof
Baby boy it's all in what you do

(No more) I love you
(Baby) If it's true
Baby boy it's all in what you do

It's in what you
It's it's in what you do (Sorry's what you do)
It's in what you
It's all in what you do

It's in what you
It's it's in what you do (Sorry's what you do)
It's in what you (It's all in what you do)
It's all in what you do



No more I'm sorry (Nnnnno more)
I love you (Bbbbbaby)
I need proof
Baby boy it's all in what you do

(No more) I love you
(Baby) If it's true
Baby boy it's all in what you do

It's in what you
It's it's in what you do
It's in what you
It's all in what you do

It's in what you
It's it's in what you do
It's in what you

*this song is for you, you know its you.. and you know what i want :)


Thursday, September 3, 2009


Bulan malam ini sangat bulat, kuning dan agak besar.
Belum sebesar seharusnya, jika aku beruntung aku akan kembali melihatnya menyombongkan diri dengan segala keindahan sinarnya.
Sudah lewat 2 purnama aku berada di pantai ini, sudah cukup mengenalinya, tapi tetap terasa asing. Dan sekarang purnama ke 3 akan segera datang.
Aku tidak mau menyambutnya dengan senyuman yang basah akan air mata, aku mau menyambutnya dengan senyuman lebar dan wajah berbinar sambil menyanyikan lagu-lagu indah dan gembira.

Angin di pantai ini selalu membangunkanku, membawaku kembali ke alam sadar setelah terlena dengan cahaya kuning yang bersinar.

"Perahu ini bocor" katanya padaku.

"Tidak menjadi masalah buatku," jawabku tegas.

"Tapi perahu ini tidak mungkin dinaiki lebih dari 1 orang"

"Kenapa tidak?", aku terus mempertanyakan sesuatu yang kuanggap tidak masuk akal.

"Aku harus tetap berlayar dengan perahu bocor ini, nanti air laut akan cepat memenuhi perahu ini,"

"Jika aku ikut, aku akan sangat membantumu mengeluarkan airnya dari perahu,"

Aku merasa itu adalah hal yang akan mudah dilakukan oleh 2 orang, tetapi ia tetap tidak mau aku ikut dengannya.

"Akan terasa jauh lebih ringan jika perahu ini aku bawa sendiri melewati lautan ini, tanpamu"

Dan perasaanku mendadak sedih, rasanya dingin sekali tanganku, degupan jantungku terdengar kencang di telingaku.


Kata itu terdengar sadis di telingaku, rasanya seperti teriris-iris pisau tumpul.
Rasanya bagaikan ombak yang menghantam kejam sebuah batu kerikil, tetapi batu itu hanya diam dan hanya bisa menerima hantaman ombak yang tidak kunjung usai.

"Bukan seperti yang kamu pikirkan,"

"Lalu apa??" Tangisku mulai pecah.

"Mau tidak mau, aku harus sampai ke sana dengan perahu usang ini"

"Lalu apa masalahnya dengan aku ikut bersamamu, apakah kamu akan menjemput orang lain dengan perahu buruk ini?"

"Aku benci perspektifmu dalam menilai sesuatu, berhentilah hidup dalam asumsimu sendiri"

"Lalu apa??!!!!" Teriakku.

Ia hanya diam, dan perlahan meninggalkanku.
Mataku semakin buram melihat kepergiannya, airmata ini sudah tidak tertahan.

"Aku tidak mau melihatmu lelah membantuku membuang air di perahu bocor ini, tidak tega aku melihatmu bercucuran keringat karena ini, apalagi jika kamu sampai menangis saat sudah lelah dan hilang asa. Aku tahu, kamu tidak pernah mengeluh saat perahu ini mulai bocor bahkan sampai sekarang. Tetapi aku takut, kamu tidak sanggup bila lama-lama menghadapinya. Biarlah aku sendiri yang mengerjakannya, aku sudah biasa.."

Dan ia perlahan membawa perahunya ketengah lautan.
Aku hanya terduduk diam di pinggiran pantai ini, hanya bisa tertunduk, bahuku terguncang hebat, ku keluarkan segala kekesalan dalam diriku, aku ingin dia tahu, tidak mudah bagiku membiarkannya sendirian menyebrangi laut itu.

Bahuku ditepuk, dia kembali.

"Hey, jangan ditangisi, doakan saja aku sampai dengan selamat. Aku akan baik-baik saja. Aku takut bila membawamu serta aku tidak sekuat sekarang. Tolonglah mengerti. Tinggalah di pantai ini, carilah tempat berteduh dan aman."

"Berjanjilah kamu akan kembali"

"Aku tidak tahu, bila lautan tidak cukup ganas untuk ditaklukan, aku akan kembali untukmu. Tapi, jangan tunggu aku, jika ada perahu lain yang lebih layak kamu naiki, ikutlah dengannya. Aku tidak mau egois untuk menyuruhmu menunggu sampai waktu yang tak jelas."

Ia mengecup keningku, dan bahuku berguncang semakin hebat.

Perahu bocor itu, sudah sampai di air, dan ia tidak menengok sedikitpun kebelakang.

Tidak mudah baginya mengucapkan selamat tinggal.

Karena dihatinya ia ingin kembali, aku percaya itu..

Dan saat ini sudah hampir purnama ke 3, aku masih berada di pantai ini


Menunggu ia membawakan perahu yang lebih indah untukku

Dan ia akan mengajakku berlayar bersama tanpa harus lelah, karena ia berhasil menaklukkan lautan itu.

Aku ingin ia tahu, aku masih di pantai ini, tetap menunggu..

Tak peduli berapa purnama lagi,

Karena aku percaya,
Ia akan kembali dengan perahu baru untukku.
